Friday 1 November 2019

Ministerios Paula White | Casa

Ministerios Paula White | Casa

DAY 305: Fight A Good Fight

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."
1 Timothy 6:12
Back in 2002 the Anaheim Angels were the World Series champions. Their quest to become champions was not an easy one. They came into the playoffs as underdogs, one of the worst win/loss records in the playoffs. Their franchise had not won a Word Series in more than 40 years.
Possibly the most amazing aspect to their championship season was that they came from behind in nearly all of their playoff games.
They continually turned what appeared to be losses into victories.
When Paul was writing this passage to Timothy, he certainly did not have these Angels in mind. But their scenario is an excellent example of what Paul was saying to Timothy. People had looked down at him because of his young age and questioned his calling.
He was an underdog, but Paul believed in him and encouraged him to never stop fulfilling the work of God in his life. In Paul's second letter to Timothy, we then see that Timothy had become stronger in the faith.
But what about you? Are you facing uphill battles? Does it always seem like you might be losing? Remember to stay in the fight, pursuing the things of God, making you successful in all you do.
"The fight is to the death."

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