Wednesday 13 November 2019

Evangelio De Hoy DOMINGO 25 de Noviembre 2018 REFLEXIÓN Cápsulas Para el...

Evangelio De Hoy DOMINGO 25 de Noviembre 2018 REFLEXIÓN Cápsulas Para el...

Evangelio De Hoy MIÉRCOLES 30 de Enero 2019 REFLEXIÓN Cápsulas Para el Alma

Evangelio De Hoy MIÉRCOLES 3 de Abril 2019 REFLEXIÓN Cápsulas Para el Alma

Paula White Ministries | Home

Paula White Ministries | Home: Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, popular TV personality, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word. By sharing her story of overcoming tragedy and finding restoration through the power of Christ, she has impacted people from every walk of life in m

DIA 193: Dios es capaz

"Ahora al que puede hacer mucho más que todo lo que pedimos o pensamos, según el poder que obre en nosotros"
Efesios 3:20
Arrojó las estrellas en su lugar y trazó el curso de los ríos con Su dedo. Dio la vuelta al mundo y ordenó a los océanos que no derramaran una gota.
Caminó sobre el agua. Convirtió el agua en vino y ordenó que el viento y las olas se callaran. Alimentó a cinco mil con unos pocos panes y peces y expulsó a los demonios con una sola palabra.
Pídale al ciego Bartimeo que describa la sonrisa del Salvador. Pregúntale a la viuda si su sangre contaminada sigue siendo un problema. Pregúntale a Lázaro cómo es que te devuelvan la llamada desde el otro lado.
¿Qué necesita usted hoy?
Nada es demasiado difícil para Dios.
Da a conocer tus peticiones y comienza a expresar tu oración en posibilidades por la fe. Diga en voz alta: "Mi Dios es más que suficiente. Mi Dios es capaz. Mi Dios está dispuesto. Mi Dios es fiel". Ahora continúa haciendo esto desde tu corazón y recibe tu milagro.
"No hay una montaña demasiado alta ni un valle demasiado bajo que Dios no pueda alcanzar".
ore than 100 countries.

Evangelio de HOY Martes 12 de noviembre. Somos unos pobres siervos

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Pastor Otoniel Font - El Pacto de Dios Contigo


72.9K subscribers
Los 400 58

Nunca vas a estar totalmente preparado; siempre hay algo que tienes que hacer por fe; pero vivir por fe no justifica tu imprudencia. Si eres prudente económicamente, puedes estar seguro de que tú vas a tener grandes resultados.

Melissa’s Perfect Gift – Joni & Friends

Melissa’s Perfect Gift – Joni & FriendsLife is hard for little Melissa. Struggling with spina bifida, hydrocephalus, seizures, and vision impairment, she has to rely and be dependent on her mother, Ruth, to move or to get out of the house. Ruth believed that her daughter’s disabilities were her own fault. She felt that God was punishing her—that He didn’t love her and Melissa.

But when Melissa received a wheelchair at our Wheels for the World outreach, her life was transformed.
“Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

DAY 316: Be Filled

"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
Acts 2:4
There were those of the old covenant times that listened to the voice of the Lord, and those that didn't. The prophets of old prophesied that the Lord would speak again, (Isaiah 28:11) and Joel 2:28,29). The mighty rushing wind blew into that room that day where the common people gathered together, as Christ's followers had come to tarry until the Holy Spirit had come upon them and endued them with power from on high.
When the day of Pentecost had fully come, suddenly a sound from heaven, as a rushing mighty wind, totally filled the room where they were. The wind, the fire and the Spirit of God, in the form of inspired speech, all came upon them at the same time.
God is faithful to fulfill His promises.
Though they linger, tarry. Wait on the Lord, for His promises are sure. He sent His Son, our Savior, as He promised; and He sent His Spirit, as He promised. He will fulfill all that He has promised.
"Tarry means to wait, expecting."

Daily Grace Inspirations | Joseph Prince Ministries

Daily Grace Inspirations | Joseph Prince Ministries

Nov 12, 2019
God Daily Loads You With Benefits
Deuteronomy 28:6
Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.
In the Jewish community, the promise, “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall...
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Today’s Scripture
"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith..."
(1 John 5:4, NASB)
Bigger Than Fear
Fear always presents itself as much bigger than it really is. It’s always the worst-case scenario. It always tries to get you worried, anxious, uptight and panicked. Fear’s goal is to separate you from God by trying to get you to doubt His Word. But when the spirit of fear comes, recognize that it has no power unless you give it power. Don’t give it power by speaking what fear speaks. Don’t give it power by meditating on it. Instead, let the power of the Word of God rise up within you. Declare what God says; declare that God has given you all authority in heaven and earth. Declare that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Remember that no matter how big fear presents itself, it’s no match for the power of Almighty God. When you yield yourself to Him, you tap into His power. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. God is bigger than your problems and bigger than fear. Let faith rise up in your heart because faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for Your perfect love which drives out all fear. I choose to meditate on Your Word which feeds my faith and empowers me to overcome. I bless You and praise You today for Your goodness and grace in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen."

Isaiah 54:10 KJV; For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.

Isaiah 54:10 KJV; For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.

Isaías 54:10 RV

Monday 11 November 2019

Pastor Otoniel Font - El Reto de Hageo

DAY 315: Greater Works

"He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
John 14:12
Jesus was talking with His disciples about His departure. Jesus wanted His disciples to know that this wasn't the end of His ministry, even though He was talking about His coming death. Jesus was trying to get His disciples to understand His oneness with the Father.
Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father." Jesus said, "Philip don't you know me? The Father and I are one!" Jesus said in John 14:20, "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you." Jesus later tells His disciples in John 16:12, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit the truth is come, he will guide you into all truth."
He was not disbanding them, but commissioning them to continue His work, to be an extension of Him to this lost and dying world.
That's who Jesus wants us to be, you and me, an extension of His arms of mercy and grace. Be Jesus in your world today. Shine the light of Christ today.
"Follow the example."

Paula White Ministries | Home

Paula White Ministries | Home

DAY 315: Greater Works

"He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
John 14:12
Jesus was talking with His disciples about His departure. Jesus wanted His disciples to know that this wasn't the end of His ministry, even though He was talking about His coming death. Jesus was trying to get His disciples to understand His oneness with the Father.
Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father." Jesus said, "Philip don't you know me? The Father and I are one!" Jesus said in John 14:20, "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you." Jesus later tells His disciples in John 16:12, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit the truth is come, he will guide you into all truth."
He was not disbanding them, but commissioning them to continue His work, to be an extension of Him to this lost and dying world.
That's who Jesus wants us to be, you and me, an extension of His arms of mercy and grace. Be Jesus in your world today. Shine the light of Christ today.
"Follow the example."

Today’s Scripture
"Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them..."
(2 Kings 6:16, NIV)
Delivered From All
Everyone has times when they feel overwhelmed or "outnumbered" by the things that are coming against them. You may have heard the saying, "When it rains, it pours." For example, just about the time the air conditioner needs repair in your house, the transmission goes out in your car. It seems like one thing happens after another. It may feel as if all the forces of darkness are coming against you. When it feels as though you’re far behind, outnumbered, outsized and outclassed, instead of being discouraged, have a new perspective. The Scripture promises that with God on your side, you have all the resources you need to have complete victory. You are never outnumbered because the Greater One lives in you! It's like when you're expecting someone for dinner; you don't wait until they show up before you decide to start cooking. Most likely you start early in the day. You make sure the house is clean, you go to the grocery store, and maybe buy some flowers for the table. You make preparations because you're expecting someone. Well, that's the attitude we need to have while we're waiting for God's promises to come to pass. As you put actions behind your prayers, your faith comes alive and opens the door for God to move mightily on your behalf.
A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Thank You for Your peace even in the midst of the storms of life. I know that You are with me, and I can stand strong because You will lead me into victory all the days of my life in Jesus' name. Amen."

I Hear His Whisper..."Just breathe."

I Hear His Whisper..."Just breathe."NOVEMBER 11, 2019

The Power of Gratitude

Today, Joyce shares a message on being thankful. Learn practical ways to express your gratitude and add value to the lives of others.,0.209799704.xtjdjjdtdsh8p88php&_atscid=3_2483_209799704_9885593_0_Txtjdjjdtdsh8p88php

Learn to teach the scriptures

Understand the Scriptures like never before
  • Get the knowledge to teach the scriptures with skill

    There are many words in the Hebrew Bible that convey the concept of teaching, the most common term being hodiyah (הודיע). This can be seen, for example, in Proverbs 9: 9, "Give to the wise, and he will be wiser; teach the righteous, and he will increase his knowledge." The word to "teach" here comes from the root YDA ידע which means " perceive". But the verb is in a special causal form that means "letting others know." Even if you are not a grammar lover, you can marvel at this remarkable perception. 
    We at the Institute of Biblical Studies in Israel believe that to effectively teach the Bible with passion you must really understand the words of Scripture. We have more than two decades of experience training pastors, rabbis and educators to study the Bible in the original Hebrew. Sign up today and transmit knowledge!   

Saturday 9 November 2019

Pastora Omayra Font - Antes de Entrar al Año Nuevo o una Nueva Temporada

18.5K subscribers
Cápsula 56: Jueves, 27 de Diciembre, 2018

Además de establecer resolusiones, ante una nueva temporada, hay dos áreas a las que debes prestar atención: Tus finanzas y tu tiempo. Cuando tú pones a Dios primero, todo lo que desees de parte de Dios, va a ser añadido.